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Freud. (A miserable human being?)

Dr. Goldfine: I'm sure Freud would not approve of this.

Bree: Oh, who cares what he thinks. I took psychology in college. We
learned all about Freud. A miserable human being.

Dr. Goldfine: What makes you say that?

Bree: Well, think about it. He grew up in the late 1800s. There were
no appliances back then. His mother had to do everything by hand, just
backbreaking work from sunup to sundown, not to mention the countless
other sacrifices she probably had to make to take care of her family.
And what does he do? He grows up and becomes famous, peddling a theory
that the problems of most adults can be traced back to something awful
their mother has done. She must have felt so betrayed. He saw how hard
she worked. He saw what she did for him. Did he even ever think to say
thank you? I doubt it.

(from 'Desperate Housewives')

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